Thursday, March 31, 2011

Zero Crude

Call it what you will but one day we will face zero crude oil!

Zero Crude
What kind of world would we face with no crude oil?
And how will we get to that point?

I've been careful to pick my battles but this subject I have an interest in and well ... it effects every person on this planet. Because if we run out of oil one day ... we are in a heap of trouble.

No gas ... nobody gets to work, nobody flys ... chaos!
No oil ... no plastic, no asphalt, no jobs ... mass panic!

So how will we get there?

First route to Zero Crude - we let Obama and his Energy Secretary Chu do nothing.

Which is exactly what is happening. Their energy policy ... let gas get to $10.00 a gallon like Europe and force people to switch to alternatives. What alternatives? The Volt gets 40 miles a charge before it needs gas. That's OK if we have coal to generate the electricity to charge the car (which Obama wants to get rid of too) and the gas which we need for backup.
How about Hydogen Cell technology? The cars cost $50K and up and there is one location in Washington DC to charge your cell. Oh ... and it takes 100 times the electricity to produce a single cell. And if we get rid of coal ... (that provides 60% of the power in this country Mr. Obama) what do we use? Wind Power? Ha!
Have they thought through any of this? I don't think so because the world would be in a massive depression that would make the 1920's look like a blip on the radar.

Second route to Zero Crude - We stop drilling our own oil and rely on the world for our stability.

That is exacly what we are doing now. The current off-shore leases were approved during the Bush administration ... which Obama has tried to take credit for. A typical lease deal takes years to negotiate given the regulation that is in place from guess who? ... The US Government. So even if the current adminstration started allowing off-shore permitting to resume, approving and granting these licenses are years away.
In the meantime, if you haven't heard Mideast Countries are falling like dominos. They hate us and the instability is driving the price of crude through the roof. $150 a barrel for crude is likely by the end of the summer. And if Saudia Arabia falls (who supplies 25% of the world's crude) we are one crisis away from a global meltdown.
What is the current Administration doing about this? Sending the CIA covertly into Lybia and lying to the World that NATO is in charge ... and we are still invloved in endless wars in Afganistan and Iraq till doomsday.

Third route to Zero Crude  - Do nothing.

Didn't I already say that? We need a proactive energy strategy and policies in our government that put our energy independence as the first and only strategy.
If we don't act now  ...we are facing a global meltdown of epic proportions. What if the little oil that is left in the world is the basis for the next war? Will we fight for it or will we let China, Russia or North Korea have it? Don't answer that!

Gary DeMoss

Friday, March 4, 2011

Another Bad Idea

No weapons for our Border Patrol Agents?

There seems to be no end to the bad ideas coming out of the White House these days. After a meeting at the White House on Thursday with the Emperor of Mexico ... Obama decides that despite the fact that northern Mexico is the most dangerous place in the world to live, that 35,000 people (including Americans) have been murdered in one year, every local law enforcement official in Mexico is either decapitated or on Cartel payroll ... that our Border Patrol Agents should enter Mexico ... unarmed.

Are you kidding me?

Mexico is a 100 times more dangerous than Iraq, Afghanistan or even a laborer in China ... and our Commander in Chief is sending unarmed American Agents into harms way without protection. All Americans should be outraged.

It's bad enough that the Obama Administration has no strategy to protect our borders and stop the constant flow of violent drug related thugs into our country ... but now he is willing to send officials of our government into a war zone ... unarmed.

If I were a citizen of our southern border states ... California, Texas and Arizona, I would start arming yourselves now ... because if this situation is left unchecked for the rest of Obama's first and only term of office (which is probable) ... the resulting pandemonium will take generations to undo.

What if?

So what would happen if we gave the Secret Service PEZ dispensers instead of weapons to protect the President? Do you think there would be any outrage? Write your Congressman and Senator and tell them to give the Border Patrol their weapons ... or better yet, keep them in America to protect our citizens from the flow of scoundrels from entering our country and stop waisting time in Mexico ... the armpit of the world.

Gary DeMoss