Saturday, August 6, 2011

Political Brinkmanship

political brinkmanship (bringk'men-ship') n  The practice, esp. in politics, of seeking advantage by creating the impression that one is willing and able to pass the brink of default.

Same Procedure, Predicable Results
Einstein once wrote that if you continue to perform the same exercise over and over again you will net the same results.
On Monday in similar fashion to past Congressional last minute theatrical staging, the House and the Senate passed a watered down version of a Bill that would predictably raise the US debt ceiling preventing the catastrophic event the Obama Administration reinforced ... A default of the United States.
For weeks both sides argued over cuts in the Federal Budget but neither side could consider the maverick and visionary cuts from Tea Party Republicans whose cuts would place the US on a path to financial freedom ... ending the cycle of Tax and Spend now in its 5th Decade on the Hill. Although cuts to the Pentagon, Medicare and Entitlement programs were considered ... in the end it was two Senior Senators in closed door sessions that agreed to a lack-luster Bill. Once again they kicked the hard decisions down the Beltway to the next generation to decide. Same good-ole-boy network and our gutless President is too worried about his re-election and his birthday party fundraising to do any thing that would come close to "a positive example" or consider what is best for the American People. Fooey!

Big Deal
Did it prevent Standard and Poor's downgrading the US credit rating from AAA to AA+?
Hell No!
If the Obama Administration and Congress had the balls to make the difficult and necessary decisions to end the spending spree and pass a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution S&P would have ignored the crisis and left the rating alone. Instead and based on Congress' inability to act in a fiscally and responsible manner; S&P downgraded the US credit rating for the first time in the history of our nation. Congratulations Mr. Obama, Harry Reid and John Bohener! You can now add to your resume one of the most deplorable statistics in our nations history ...

You Raised the Debt ...
Your Bill does nothing to decrease the Deficit.
Our Nation is downgraded for the first time in our Nations history!

Congress you've proved yet again that you can waste time creating political theater and the media will react to your every need. Sadly the majority of America could care less.
Hopefully the few of us that care about our country and know what you just did to the future of US, will react in a way that will punish you for your inability to do your job in a responsible way for the benefit of America. We will vote you out of office.

Please get these guys out of Washington!

Gary DeMoss

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