Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The $16 Muffin

Waste and Abuse - Business as usual on Capitol Hill

Where does a muffin cost more than $16 you ask?

Well I'll tell you where - at a government conference hosted by the Justice Department. Even Starbucks muffins are less than two bucks. So it makes me wonder why in this depressed economic environment government agencies continue to waste taxpayer dollars without any limit in site. The muffins were apparently the tip of the iceberg. A recent Justice Department audit found at another conference, lunch was $76 per person and a cup of coffee was $8.24 a cup. Again, you can get a Grande Mocha at Starbucks for less than four bucks. So why is the government spending twice that amount? Don't tell me the competitive bid process yielded a best price of $8.24 for a cup of coffee!

Who are these purchasing agents, managers and directors anyway? Do they realize there is a recession out there? Who do they report to and how long will this abuse of power and wasteful spending continue?

It is relatively easy for American voters to get rid of Congress and elected officials when they are ineffective or they are voting counter to public opinion ... we vote them out of office. But how do we end the abuse of taxpayer dollars by purchasing agents within the hallways of the various agencies of the US Government? Rooting them out by way of an audit is one thing ... but what happens to those staff members who buy a muffin for $16? Do we just simply tell him/her don't do that again or do we fire them? Who is accountable?

Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) and his Democratic counterpart Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-VT) voiced their concern this week. Grassley said, "Sixteen-dollar muffins and $600,000 for event planning services are what makes Americans cynical about government and why they are demanding change. The Justice Department appears to be blind to the economic realities our country is facing." Leahy added that "wasteful spending is never justified" and that "like all agencies, the Justice Department will be asked to trim its spending."

When the Special Congressional Committee meets soon to review areas where the government could save money I would recommend they reel-in these purchasing agents by requiring them to guarantee the lowest price for every line item on PO's and require the customary bid process (3 sealed bids) for all government spending until they can prove that their spending habits are in line with these requirements.

Makes you wonder why these purchasing agents would buy items that they know are exorbitant and well beyond market price. Do you think they buy muffins at Starbucks for $16 a piece?

Gary S. DeMoss

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